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Objective / Description

The collected and on the web-page www.schritthalten-reutlingen.de (out of order) presented exercise classes for older people and published the information in form of a printed brochure. Thus, older people without access to the internet have the possibility to find an appropriate exercise class as well. Furthermore, the brochure can help relatives, therapists, and doctors etc. to place older people in appropriate exercise classes according to their physical and mental abilities.

Following the structure of the web-page, the exercise classes are sorted by city districts. A table is attached which shows the exercise classes arranged according to their manner of activity (e.g. general gymnastics, dancing, outdoor activities etc.).

For reasons of space, the information has been reduced compared to the web-page. For every exercise class, information concerning content and target group, place, time, costs and contact information for further questions can be found on the webpage.


  • Filemask concept to register exercise classes
  • Contacting of all providers listed on the web-page whose exercise programs have not been updated during the last four months; request to recheck the data.
  • Selection of relevant information for the brochure from the web-page's database; entering into a Excel-table; data adjustment; formatting of crude text with the help of a function for personalized circular letters; proof-reading of crude text.
  • Checking of the community college course program (program changes every six months). The registered courses were the ones that had already been happening for a certain amount of time in the same place.
  • Layout and envelop design; composition of introduction and appendix; proof-reading
  • Print and distribution of brochure

Stakeholders and their tasks

  • Project team: Selection of information; data adjustment; creation of crude text; proof-reading; distribution of leaflet
  • Graphic Artist: Layout
  • Local foundation: financial support
  • Dispatch by a health insurance company to their older insured people
  • Dispatch to pharmacies, doctors, church communities, pensioners' circles, AOK, nursing homes, medical supply stores, hospitals, district savings banks for display
  • Distribution by municipal departments (dispatch to volunteers at the department for older people)


  • Illustrative pictures of high quality and resolution (e.g. from Fotolia.de)
  • Questionnaires to collect exercise classes: see matrix web-page

Expenses / Time

  • Labor time data selection / creation crude text / proof-reading: 80 h
  • Layout / graphics: 2.290 Euro
  • Color print expenses for 5000 pieces: 3.900 Euro
  • Mailing expenses
  • The print of the brochures was supported with 1.000 Euro by a local foundation.


Print of 5000 brochures. Download here.

Experiences / Advice

  • Print and layout are particularly expensive if the data is to be of high quality.
  • The data editing through the database proves to be comparatively easy, but prospectively work routines could be more automated. If a periodical print of updated versions is not realizable, a PDF document could be made available for downloading, containing the updated details in a less demanding graphic manner.
  • In order to consider the number of copies and the costs, the possibilities for dispatch and distribution should be planned as soon as possible.
  • The combination of different advertising campaigns for existing exercise classes appears reasonable. Thus, the brochure was first presented at the senior sports day. Furthermore, the senior sports day was used to hand out vouchers for a testing of various exercise classes.